

We’ll be guided by dreamers, inventors and creatives. Makers, shakers and visionary thinkers. Adventurers and change-makers. Come explore with us!

Conference & Cultural
Center of the University of Patras

Saturday 8th of
October 2022

“Metamorphosis”: ‘The transition - by natural or supernatural means - of a person, thing or concept, to an entirely different form. A sudden change of character or a transformation into stages’.

The ultimate symbol of optimism: The caterpillar that will first live as a chrysalis before its final form. Before the "after" when it takes on the final form of a beautiful and vibrantly colorful butterfly.

In life, we all have different experiences of transformation - collective, individual, and/or deeply personal. Whether a moment, or a wider time era, we will all go through our own transformations,, if we haven’t already. Just like the sun sets every evening and rises the next day, change is inevitable.

In this year's edition of TEDxPatras, we have been called upon to participate in exercises around us. To embark upon a journey of self-discovery in order to realize that the paths we are following are intertwined with change. We will explore, reflect upon, and spread new optimistic transformational prospects, without forgetting the starting points of our own unique journeys and telling our own stories. We are the memory, the perspective and the action - but often, we are their absence.

The concept of "transformation" embodies changes and challenges that affects today's technology, education, human relations, art, and entertainment for individuals, and society as a whole.

Metamorphosis gives us hope. It is the silver lining of the cloud, the shining light at the end of the bleak tunnel, a child’s laughter, the smell of freshly baked bread, and the promise that no matter how rough life may seem, things will get better. It inspires new motivations for both discovery, and knowledge. It offers endless possibilities and new perspectives to open up whole new worlds entirely. It is both terrifying and exciting, in equal measure.

Are you ready to embark upon a journey that will lead you down a road of self-discovery and improvement, ultimately leading to your brand-new life?



A full day of ideas and connections

Your TEDx Experience

A 12-hour vitality, excitement, emotion and subversion. Three sessions of talks, curated workshops, fireside chats, opportunities to make connections, space for conversation and time to celebrate together! Be part to co-create an unforgettable gathering and play your role to catalyze the impossible into action!

From the present to past: a city walk

On Saturday, September 24, 2022, we tour Patras historical sites and learn more from experienced guides and archaeologists. Join us to discover the metamorphosis of the Upper Town of Patras over time. A walk not to be missed! Seats are limited.

Book your free pass
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tedx Patra Live LIVE SIMULCAST

Join our Simulcast Event in Nafpaktos city in collaboration with Kotroni Schools and take part in our parallel event experience.



Learn more about the amazing group of speakers who will share bold ideas, creative missions and life-changing stories at TEDxPatras 2022.


11:30Intro - Yiannis Sarakatsanis

11:40Caterina Kostoula

12:00Dimitrios Gourdoukis

12:20Guy Krief

12:40Olivia Gambelin

13:20Lunch Break / Workshops / Experience


15:20Spiros Soulis

15:40Antony Cassano

16:00Artemis Baltoyanni

16:20Angelo Tsarouchas

16:40Afternoon Break / Workshops / Experience


18:20Alexis Powell-Howard

18:40Javier Perez Estrella

19:00Maria Polyzou

19:20Borge Ousland

20:00Closing - Food & Drinks


14:00Made from Waste

Eleonora Scoccimarro & Marilia Papanikolaou, Founders of The Lost Kids

14:20Ethics in Technology: Not an Oxymoron

Olivia Gambelin CEO of Ethical Intelligence & Yiannis Kanellopoulos, CEO Code4Thought

14:40Future of Work

Konstantinos Chlouvelakis, Consulting Principal & Aliki Tsakmaka, HR Manager at Deloitte


17:00How to contribute to sustainable development goals

Tasos Pagakis, Giota Mpourdanioti & Nikos Papanikolaou, Coffee Island

17:20Reskilling & Upskilling

Marios Fakiolas, Founder, Leader, and Entrepreneur at HelloWorld PC & Dimitris Papadimitriou, Founder at Startup Pathways

17:40Forms of industry in the next era

Dr. Christos Alexakos, Research Associate & Christina Katsini, Adjunct Researcher at Industrial Systems Institute (ISI)


10:30GoGreen | Εκπαιδευτικό παιχνίδι για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή και την επιχειρηματικότητα (60')

Αίθουσα Ι.11

13:20BREAK A'

13:30Μηχανισμός Στήριξης Επιχειρηματικότητας | Χρηματοδοτήσεις και χρηματοοικονομική διαχείριση …υπό μεταμόρφωση (40')

Αίθουσα Ι.11

14:15WWF Greece | Η τροφή μας είναι η υπερδύναμή μας #Eat4Change (40')

Αίθουσα Ι.11

14:15Τράπεζα Πειραιώς | Γλωσσικός σεξισμός: Η επίδραση της γλώσσας στα έμφυλα στερεότυπα (45')

Αίθουσα Ι.12

14:15EY | From Flirting, to Loving AI (40')

Αίθουσα Ι.13

16:50ΒΡΕΑΚ Β'

16:50Code4Thought | Μην εμπιστεύεστε το GPS σας. Ή γιατί πρέπει να ενδιαφέρεστε για την τεχνολογία γύρω σας (40')

Αίθουσα Ι.11

16:50Deloitte | Το μέλλον της εργασίας (45')

Αίθουσα Ι.12

16:50Dialectica | Πώς να ξεκλειδώσετε τις διαπραγματευτικές σας ικανότητες (45')

Αίθουσα Ι.13

17:30Εριφύλη | Φύλο και στερεότυπα στην οθόνη μας (30')

Αίθουσα Ι.11

Strategic Partners
Air Carrier Partner
Event Partners
Hospitality Partner
Food and Beverages Catalysts
Official Tech Partner
Community Partners
Media Partners


Conference & Cultural Center of the University of Patras

University Campus, GR 265 04 Patras

How to get there:

By suburban train:

By bus:

By Scooter or Bike:

The parking of bicycles in this area is the responsibility of the owner for any damages that may occur.

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about tedx Patra

TEDxPatras is the leading platform for ideas, creativity and innovation in Western Greece. It aims to highlight and promote the idea of TED to the regions's audience. TEDxPatras is organized by a team of volunteers whose aim is to create experiences that can alter, improve and enhance the way of thinking of both their peers and the society they live in.

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